
At The Highfield School, our careers programme is designed to inform and equip every student in Year 7 to Year 13 with the information and options needed to ensure they have a successful and smooth transition from education into employment.  

We offer a tailored careers programme for each year group, which is designed to inspire our students, raise their aspirations and promote access to different career pathways. 

Ofsted (May 2023) recently commented ‘Leaders ensure that pupils and students are prepared for future learning or employment through their careers education, information and guidance programme…. They also comment on the wealth of information provided to support their future career path.’

The careers programme we offer addresses each of The Gatsby Benchmarks 8 point framework: 

  1. A stable careers programme
  2. Access to careers information
  3. Addressing the needs of pupils as individuals
  4. Individual independent careers support and guidance
  5. Curriculum links to the world of work
  6. Encounters with employers and employees
  7. Experiences of workplaces
  8. Encounters with further and higher education

Click here to see our current score against each benchmark

To help us deliver each of these benchmarks we work with a range of partners including the Careers and Enterprise Company, Youth Connexions and Young Enterprise. We also have strong links with business partners including Altro Flooring and Ascential PLC who support our students with talks, company visits and careers advice.

Throughout the year we run a number of events and activities to complement the careers programme. These include themed assemblies, activities in tutor time, guest speakers, enterprise days and visits. For the next academic year we will be re-introducing work experience for all of our Year 10 students. 

Every student also has access to our Youth Connexions Personal Advisor, who comes into school every Tuesday and can offer support and advice to students who are thinking about subject choices, courses, employment and career options. 

A proposed timetable of activities for the next academic year can be seen below. The programme will be reviewed in September 2023.

Careers Leadership Link:
Mrs K Hutton, Assistant Headteacher

Careers Co-ordinator:
Mrs H Potter 

Careers Protocol

Careers Activity By Year Group










Tesco workshop


Careers Fair lunch drop in




Careers Fair lunch drop in


National Apprenticeship Week Workshop

Altro Workshop





Careers Fair


National Apprenticeship Week Workshop

One-One Options Meetings


Royal Navy



Careers Fair


Work Experience


Generation Stevenage



Careers guidance tutor visit


ASK apprenticeships


Careers Fair

One-OneOptions Meetings



ASK apprenticeships


Study skills with Leeds Uni 

Apprentice-ship Mock interview Techniques 

Careers Fair

UCAS Discovery Day

Barclays Life Skills


Why Go to University Workshop


Personal Statement Workshop


Education Department from Herts Uni Lecture Experience. 

Work Experience 


Social care visit TBA



ASK apprenticeships


1-1 Career meeting with Ho6th 


Personal Statement workshop 


Careers Fair

Student Finance Information from Herts Uni. 

Barclays Life Skills


Destinations Data

Year 11 Destinations Data - September 2023

Y11 Destinations

Year 13 Destinations Data - September 2023

Y13 Destinations

Please click here to view the destinations of our Sixth Form students.


Lunch Time Careers Talks

A full timetable of Lunch Time Careers Talks will be available in the Autumn Term.

Each student will receive 5 Achievement Points for attending.

Student Employment and Work Permits

Please find below information on student employment and work permits.

School Age Employment and Work Permits Letter

School Age Employment and Work Permits HCC Flyer

Useful Links and Information

Virtual Careers Talks

At present we will be running virtual careers talks.  

We are always searching for new opportunities for our students from school Alumni and businesses. If you have any ideas or would be able to support the school in the careers programme we would like to hear from you. Please contact Mrs Helen Potter, Careers Co-ordinator. Email 

Youth Connexions Personal Advisor

If you would like to speak with our Youth Connexions Personal Advisor, Chloe Jackson, please visit Mrs Potter in the Sixth Form Office who manages the diary. Chloe can offer independent support and advice when you are thinking about subject choices, courses, employment and career options.


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