Exam Information

 Please click on the drop-down arrows below to open up each section.

Exam Stress

Internal Examinations

KS3 Internal Exams

KS3 will have an exam week during the Summer Term which will include core exams taken in the hall to start to get students used to formal exam conditions. They will also do exams in their other subjects during this week in the classroom. In the run-up to these exams revision strategies will be shared through assemblies, tutors and subject teachers to help students to prepare.

KS4 Internal Exams

Year 11 students will be sitting practice exams under formal conditions at the end of October and at the end of January.  Year 10 will sit assessments in class during the summer term. We will share the timetable for these exams with students and parents/carers well in advance of these exams. In the run-up to these exams, revision strategies will be shared through assemblies, tutors and subject teachers to help students to prepare.

Public Examinations

Post Result Guidance:

A level results day is Thursday 15th August and students can collect their results from the Sixth Form between 8.00am and 10.30am.

GCSE results day is Thursday 22nd  August and students can collect their results from the Sixth Form between 9.00am and 10.30am.


There are a number of important regulation documents that all examination students should be aware of. These set out the rules that have to be followed. If you do not follow the regulations then you could be at risk of disqualification.

Please read important documents below:


Written examination regulations:

Information for candidates: written exams

Warning to candidates

Coursework and non-examined assessment (NEA) regulations:

Information for candidates: NEA

Social media information

Appeals against internal assessments of work

Guidance on AI:



Please also read this Privacy Notice which explains how the exam boards use and store your information.

If you have any questions regarding examinations please don’t hesitate to contact the exam's office at: exams@highfield.herts.sch.uk


Throughout their time at The Highfield School key revision strategies are used with the students.


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